Benzyl Alcohol

Benzyl alcohol is an aromatic alcohol found as a colorless liquid at room temperature with a mild pleasant aromatic odor

Natural Sources of Benzyl Alcohol:

Benzyl alcohol can be found naturally in apricots, cranberries, and cocoa. Manufactured benzyl alcohol is used as a flavor-enhancing solvent, and can be used in baked goods, liqueurs and wines. In commercially manufactured cosmetics and skin products, benzyl alcohol is frequently used as a preservative due to its ability to kill microbes – especially parasites [1].

Mechanism of Action:

Alcohols are known to induce hyperfluidization of bacterial membranes and protein denaturation, following an increase of reactive oxygen species levels [2]. Benzyl alcohol can permeate microbial cell membranes, causing them to rupture and die. This makes it effective as a preservative in products like personal care items, cosmetics, and medications. Its low toxicity and potency even at low levels make it a suitable choice for these applications.

Safety information Summary:

LD50 Oral1580 mg/kg[3]
LD50 Dermal2000 mg/kg[4]
NOAEL400 mg/kg bw/d[5]
Skin irritantNegative[3]
Eye IrritantNegative[3]
Mucous membrane irritationNegative[3]
Skin SensitizationNegative[3]

Benzyl alcohol is an ingredient whose use is regulated by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). It is used as a preservative in in a wide variety of products in the cosmetic industry such as facial washes, creams and lotions. For a wash off product (IFRA Product Class 9), like a facial wash cream the allowed limit of benzyl alcohol in the product is 5%. For a body cream or lotion (IFRA Product Class 4) the allowed limit is 2,7% [6].

[1] N. A. Ibrahim, “Benzyl Alcohol”,  Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Fourth Edition), Elsevier Inc., 2024, Vol 2, pp. 17-21

[2] Yano et al., “Pentanol and Benzyl Alcohol Attack Bacterial Surface Structures Differently”, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Vol 82 (1), 2016, pp. 402–408

[3] Benzyl Alcohol, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), NE02 version 2, Carl Roth GmbH, Schömperlenstraße 3-5, D-76185, Karlsruhe, 20.02.2017

[4] Benzyl Alcohol, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Fisher Scientific Education, 15 Jet View Drive, Rochester, NY 14624, 01.19.2015

[5] “Benzoates”, IDS Initial Assessment Report for 13th SIAM, 7 November, 2001

[6] IFRA QRA Restricted Standards, 48th amendment to the code of practice, 2015